holy experience

Monday, November 1, 2010

Many Thanks Monday

250.  Having friends of all ages in so many different stages in life that continue to teach me so much.
249.  Unexpected surprises in the mail.
248.  Every single time a friend announces that they are expecting a new baby.
247.  Seeing my feisty toddler stand up to her feistier big sister.
246.  A chorus of snores from three snoozing children.
245.  Sleeping with the windows open.
244.  Operation Christmas Child and the spirit of giving it is teaching my kids.
243.  The men & women who have died so that I can let my voice be heard.
242.  The privilege of casting a vote at the polls tomorrow.
241.  A toothpaste-covered toddler who was just trying to do like her big brother and sister and brush her teeth.
240.  Doctor-ordered sick days.
239.  Not feeling the effects of a kidney stone until the day after my PE exam.
238.  All of the volunteers that made the Harvest Festival a huge success.
237.  The Harvest Festival at CBC that reached hundreds of families last weekend.
236.  Pain medication.  (Sidenote:  I now know how easy it must be to become addicted in cases of chronic pain.)
235.  The safety and sense of community in our neighborhood on Halloween night.
234.  The sound of rowdy neighborhood boys playing together in the front yard.
232.  The peace I felt the morning before my PE exam.  That was God's answer to so many prayers from so many people.  Thank you.
231.  A church family who literally feels like family.  
230.  An ER doctor who actually believed me when I said I was in pain.
229.  A husband who drops everything and steps up in every way to help his ailing wife.

1 comment:

  1. Lots of great stuff to be thankful for this week. So glad your exam is behind you and you're feeling better.

    I love the sound of boys playing in the neighborhood too! It's so joyful and refreshing.
