holy experience

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Totally Thankful Tuesday

658.  The creativity to invent games no matter where we are to entertain the kids.
657.  Dirty hands, feets, and faces.  Hello spring time.
656.  Not crying for the duration of the phone call during which I was informed that I did not get the job I hoped for.
655.  A candid chat with my former boss to let me know he's not avoiding my phone calls.
654.  The perks of civil service employees.
653.  Remembering not to raise my voice and seeing it work when I don't.
652.  Finding relevance in every lesson I study in Seeking A Heart Like His by Beth Moore.
651.  Free samples of coffee.
650.  Notes of cheer in the mail.
649.  The sacrificial help of family.
648.  Aptly revealed Scripture passages.
647.  A lucky winning streak on door prizes at the Sunday School teachers meetings.
646.  Watching my little girl bounce around playing soccer.
645.  All 3's on my first grader's report card.
644.  The predictability of my son's first question in the afternoon, "When we get home, can I play outside?"
643.  Cool mornings, warm afternoons, and pleasant evenings.
642.  Allergy medicine.
641.  The re-birth of spring time.
640.  Experiencing peace in the midst of bad news.
639.  Getting to see the wheels turning in my toddlers brain as she learns to mimic everything her older siblings say and do.
638.  The patience-building exercises God has given me, otherwise known as naptime with Sarah.
637.  A gentle husband who reminds me time and time again of the ineffectiveness of raising my voice.

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