holy experience

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday (already!?)

795.  Hearing the truth spoken in love.
794.  How excited Abby is that I'm going to be her kindergarten teacher.
793.  The perfect walking track at Central Baptist Church. 
792.  Being allowed to drink tea & coffee in moderation on my new "kidney stone prevention" diet.
791.  A zero balance.
790.  No wait at the doctor's office.
789.  Lunch dates with Sam.
788.  Leftover Japanese food.
787.  Cooler-than-average high temperatures.
786.  Knowing that Jesus is praying for me.
785.  Reaching a new 10's place on the scale.
784.  Finding something to laugh about every single day.
783.  Apologetics.
782.  Evidence of common sense.
781.  Seeing truths stick with my five year old.
780.  Coupon errors in my favor.
779.  Homeschool materials available at the Dollar Tree.
778.  Unsolicited compliments.
777.  The men who so bravely stormed the beaches at Normandy to protect our freedoms.
776.  The farmers tan that comes after a long day of yardwork.

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