holy experience

Monday, January 31, 2011

More than Grateful Monday

537.  Being the recipient of someone else's hand-me-downs.
536.  Finding a home for our hand-me-downs.
535.  Jogging with no traffic to speak of.
534.  Good, old-fashioned hymns in a world of contemporary praise & worship.
533.  Discovering new foods my kids like.
532.  When the hardest-to-get-out stains come out in the wash.
531.  A phone message from my traveling princess.
530.  Outsmarting, if only temporarily, a 20-month old escape artist.
529.  A pediatrician with night and weekend hours.
528.  A husband whose flexibility allows me to attend non-optional, mid-day meetings.
527.  A full pitcher of tea in the fridge.
526.  My old, worn-in green chair.
525.  An organized pantry.
524.  Comfortable conversation.
523.  Warm brownies, straight out of the oven.
522.  Finding a long-lost puzzle piece.
521.  Feeling optimistic about the future of American politics - even if those moments are few and far between - at least they still exist.
520.  How excited I get about Thursday mornings since being out of work.
519.  What a blessing it has already been reading through the first 26% of the Bible.
518.  Benefiting from the wisdom of men and women who have been there and done that so that I don't have to.
517.  Attending a truly rewarding and eye-opening marriage conference.
516.  The rare times I am able to fall asleep when my head hits the pillow.

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