holy experience

Monday, September 20, 2010

Marvelous Monday!

114.  Handprint artwork that I can look back on over the years and see how tiny those little hands once were.
113.  The pure joy on my kids faces when they get unrestricted play time with the water hose.
112.  How quickly the time Sam was away on business passed with houseguests around to keep me distracted.
111.  The opportunity to visit with them for the first time in our home of four years.
110.  A safe return trip to Baltimore for my sister and nephew.
109.  An effortless trip to and from the Atlanta airport on a Friday evening at rush hour.  
108.  The reality that I can always be stronger.
107.  Taking note of the fact that I am stronger than I realize.
106.  Boot camp lead by an awesome instructor - whose goal is to restore God's temple!
105.  Seeing a child (whether my own or someone else's) put someone else before themselves.
104.  That Sam and I were able to rise to the occasion when it came time to be "young parents".
103.  The amazing Sunday School teachers and Kidzone facilitators that have my seven year old on fire for God.
102.  The train table at Barnes & Noble.
101.  BOGO free coupons.
100.  Dr. Seuss books, but especially I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
99.  The people who make lasting impressions on us - for better or for worse.
98.  Watching my almost-four year old feed yogurt to her baby sister complete with words of encouragement - "Come on, Sarah! Open wide!  You can do it!"
97.  For the model my father set for me with his relentless work ethic.
96.  For the continued answers to prayer that have kept our tiny engineering firm open for at least a year longer than any of us anticipated.
95.  A teary conversation (on my part) followed by words of affirmation by my husband that lifted a huge burden and brought me peace.


  1. I do so look forward to these updates. Do you write them down on a notepad as you go about your business or list them all at one sitting? You certainly are an amazing young woman and I'm very proud of you.

    I haven't heard of your Dr. Seuss book. I'll have to check it out.

  2. I'm flattered you read them at all, Mrs. Denise! Thank you!

    If I were smarter I would keep a running tab...but I'm not, so I don't! I have to confess to just cranking them out on the spot. I should keep a notebook though, it would help me remember A LOT more, I'm sure!

    If you do check out Solla Sollew, also take the time to read Thidwick, the Big-Hearted Moose...it's another of my Seuss faves. :)
