holy experience

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainy Days on Mondays Always Make Me Smile

134.  Language explosions in little sixteen month old girls.
133.  A mother-in-law who has stressed from the beginning the importance of couple time.
132.  The coverage You provide for my babies while we're apart during the day.
131.  Seeing my kids' carefree giggles as they play in the rain.
130.  How seeing someone else's creative juices flowing gets my own going as well.
129.  Leftover Japanese food, straight out of the fridge.
128.  Coffee pot timers.
127.  The people we meet in this life who immediately humble us - when we think our lives are tough, we hear their stories and see them still glorifying God.  It's awesome.
126.  A husband who cooks...not just regularly, but awesomely.
125.  The ability to block repeat, unwanted, wrong number phone calls at 2am thanks to our awesome phone service.
124.  An empty sink at bedtime.
123.  Releasing control and allowing my kids to be helpers.
122.  Seeing discipline work.
121.  Tiny pink toenails.
120.  A spontaneous blessing from two little kidlets who are so ready to eat dinner and a third who dances while they sing it.
119.  Free sweet tea refills.
118.  The opportunity to make new friends and learn more about other people through simple conversation.
117.  Quality time with friends on the weekend.
116.  The collision center who repaired our rear-ended minivan going above and beyond the call of duty and detailing the interior of our van - even de-gunking our disgusting backseat cupholders.
115.  A tremendous rainfall to cleanse my soul and feed my thirsting grass.


  1. I just love that some items on your list are just sweet, simple things like pink toenails and free tea refills and some are so deep like people who humble you and rainfall that cleanses your soul! So glad you have a helpful husband and MIL. I love them both!!

  2. Ahhhhh, how beauiful! Your blessings bring smiles to my face! God bless... Dee Dee

  3. Ok, I'm JUST discovering this. I love the gratitude posts and have thought of gathering my own. I won't copy you yet again with this separate blog idea, but I WANT to. I'll just journal mine. This is wonderful, and I'm going to be checking here just to smile.

    This literally makes my heart sing.
    You, my dear friend, continually amaze me.

  4. Mrs. Debbie, I'm not at all weirded out if you want to follow suit. I'm just "copying" too. It's supposed to be contagious. :)
