holy experience

Monday, December 6, 2010

Much to be thankful for Monday

363.  Using leftover oven heat to warm the kitchen after baking.
362.  Paying for coffee with loose change.
361.  Italian bread dipped in herbed olive oil.
360.  Being able to make a small difference in the life of a child not my own.
359.  Solidarity among spouses.
358.  Watching someone beat the odds. 
357.  100% participation on Christmas lights.
356.  Cold weather jogs.
355.  The sanity that a to-do list provides.
354.  A finished backyard playground.
353.  When the kids keep their covers on all night.
352.  Midnight snacks.
351.  People who say "Merry Christmas"
350.  The prospect of playdates.
349.  The many facial expressions of my little precocious Sarah.
348.  I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
347.  Coffeemate coconut creamer.
346.  A sister who I can always count on to call and check on me and chat.
345.  The warmth of our gas logs during a rare cold snap here in Georgia.
344.  How truly excited my girls are to be able to stay home with me.
343.  How genuinely loved I know my girls were at their school.
342.  The fact that our financial situation has not been devastated by the loss of my job.
341.  Falling asleep in my bed at night, praying - knowing that as I drifted off, I was in the arms of my Father.

1 comment:

  1. When were you at Carrabba's?! I missed you. :(
