holy experience

Monday, November 8, 2010

Most Grateful Monday

271.  Seeing and feeling friends turn into family.
270.  The anticipation of Black Friday shopping with my husband.
269.  A personal phone call from the doctor to check on me the day after surgery.
268.  Wilson's bakery and all of the other local businesses that continue to thrive because they offer amazing products, at fair prices, with amazing customer service.
267.  Pumpkin flavored treats...especially pumpkin roll.
266.  The perfect banana bread recipe.
265.  Ben's resolute determination to wear footie pajamas into adulthood, without fear of ridicule.
264.  Sarah's spontaneous dancing to the "tune" of the kitchen timer.
263.  Fall back, especially when I actually get to utilize that extra hour.
262.  Cold snaps in November.  (Especially since I don't expect them until January down here!)
261.  My grandfathers, who both served in WWII to ensure that we kept our freedoms that we maintain to this day.
260.  The peace Jesus has given us.
259.  An eruption of the Hallelujah chorus in a Philadelphia Macy's, the video of which moved me to tears (watch it here).
258.  A children's choir clad in red, white, and blue singing of their gratefulness to our Veterans.
257.  A mother-in-law who truly makes me feel like one of her own children.
256.  The tiniest bit of levity to break the tension.
255.  Modern medical technology.
254.  The recommendation of an acquaintance that turned out to be the answer to prayer.
253.  A son who left his piggy and blanket on my bed to help me feel better after my kidney stone procedure.
252.  A husband who pushes me to be more assertive and be an advocate for myself.
251.  The ability of the American collective to send a message to our leaders that we are dissatisfied with the job they are doing.

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