428. A Father who was willing to send a Son in order that history might be changed.
427. A baby boy who changed the course of history.
426. Christmas songs on the radio through the New Year.
425. Having sweaters to wear and wood to burn.
424. Weather cold enough for sweaters.
423. The possibility of being able to join a daytime ladies Bible study.
422. The freedom of not having to worry about making time up at work after Christmas break.
421. A stack of chapter books finished by my seven-year old on his Christmas break.
420. After-Christmas clearance sales.
419. A dusting of snow the day after Christmas.
418. Wood-burning stoves in the winter.
417. A toddler who claps and yay's after a song is finished.
416. Family traditions like Muenster Cheese & Sausage sandwiches on Christmas morning.
415. Being called by name at my "home church" after moving away from here a decade ago.
414. Aldi Grocery stores.
413. Chocolate truffles.
412. Knowing that even the leanest Christmases we have are extravagant by worldly standards.
411. Hearing my eldest child declare "This was the best Christmas ever."
410. Dining at my favorite restaurant for less than $10.
409. Spending an entire Christmas vacation in pajama bottoms.
408. Visiting with family and not having to worry about being ready when they arrive.
407. Finishing the rest of a book that rocked my world by the 3rd chapter.
Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. ~1 Thessalonians 5:18
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Truly Appreciative Tuesday
406. Children as enthusiastic about giving as getting
405. Even the possibility of snow on Christmas
404. The blessing of having close friends to pray for and who pray for me
403. A good nap before a long trip
402. Traveling mercies
401. A child who is content to eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
400. Seeing my 19-month old learn to share with her brother & sister
399. Unprompted gratitude from my kids
398. Carrots & Ranch
397. The sunset over a rural landscape
396. Rechargeable batteries
395. Having crumbs under the kitchen table (seemingly always) because it means we had food to eat
394. Knowing that no matter where we celebrate Christmas, it's still magical for my kids
393. The smell of fresh pine
392. The magic of a photoshop whiz (my husband)
391. A perfect Christmas photo
390. Books that rock my world in the first three chapters
389. Tide Stain Release (liquid)
388. The wonders that are Fed-Ex and UPS
387. Coupons for "free" anything
386. The opportunity to be a part of a Sunday School class that provided Christmas for a needy family
385. Overhearing my seven year old hum "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
405. Even the possibility of snow on Christmas
404. The blessing of having close friends to pray for and who pray for me
403. A good nap before a long trip
402. Traveling mercies
401. A child who is content to eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
400. Seeing my 19-month old learn to share with her brother & sister
399. Unprompted gratitude from my kids
398. Carrots & Ranch
397. The sunset over a rural landscape
396. Rechargeable batteries
395. Having crumbs under the kitchen table (seemingly always) because it means we had food to eat
394. Knowing that no matter where we celebrate Christmas, it's still magical for my kids
393. The smell of fresh pine
392. The magic of a photoshop whiz (my husband)
391. A perfect Christmas photo
390. Books that rock my world in the first three chapters
389. Tide Stain Release (liquid)
388. The wonders that are Fed-Ex and UPS
387. Coupons for "free" anything
386. The opportunity to be a part of a Sunday School class that provided Christmas for a needy family
385. Overhearing my seven year old hum "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"
Monday, December 13, 2010
Most Appreciative Monday
384. Lighted Christmas villages.
383. Having eternal things to look forward to.
382. Having things in the near future to look forward to.
381. The transition of my toddler from calling me "Mama" to calling me "Mommy".
380. The warmth of a down comforter.
379. Watching my seven year old memorize the books of the Bible.
378. Knowing I will enjoy the holidays without having to worry about having enough time off from work.
377. Being able to put the interview behind me.
376. Getting an interview 9 days after becoming unemployed.
375. The extent of knowledge among the peers in my Sunday School class
374. American Movie Classics
373. Terms of endearment from kind-hearted strangers - like "dear", "baby", and "sweetheart".
372. Finding coupons on the shelves of the grocery store.
371. Seeing my seven year old fall in love with chapter books.
370. Regaining a bit of confidence.
369. Seeing Christmas dreams come true for families who otherwise wouldn't have one.
368. Fledgling ministries that will make a huge difference in the lives of many.
367. A comfy green recliner.
366. Contagious laughter.
365. Watching baby sister learn all the bad tricks from big sister.
364. Finishing the Christmas cards (even though that hasn't happened yet this year).
383. Having eternal things to look forward to.
382. Having things in the near future to look forward to.
381. The transition of my toddler from calling me "Mama" to calling me "Mommy".
380. The warmth of a down comforter.
379. Watching my seven year old memorize the books of the Bible.
378. Knowing I will enjoy the holidays without having to worry about having enough time off from work.
377. Being able to put the interview behind me.
376. Getting an interview 9 days after becoming unemployed.
375. The extent of knowledge among the peers in my Sunday School class
374. American Movie Classics
373. Terms of endearment from kind-hearted strangers - like "dear", "baby", and "sweetheart".
372. Finding coupons on the shelves of the grocery store.
371. Seeing my seven year old fall in love with chapter books.
370. Regaining a bit of confidence.
369. Seeing Christmas dreams come true for families who otherwise wouldn't have one.
368. Fledgling ministries that will make a huge difference in the lives of many.
367. A comfy green recliner.
366. Contagious laughter.
365. Watching baby sister learn all the bad tricks from big sister.
364. Finishing the Christmas cards (even though that hasn't happened yet this year).
Monday, December 6, 2010
Much to be thankful for Monday
363. Using leftover oven heat to warm the kitchen after baking.
362. Paying for coffee with loose change.
361. Italian bread dipped in herbed olive oil.
360. Being able to make a small difference in the life of a child not my own.
359. Solidarity among spouses.
358. Watching someone beat the odds.
357. 100% participation on Christmas lights.
356. Cold weather jogs.
355. The sanity that a to-do list provides.
354. A finished backyard playground.
353. When the kids keep their covers on all night.
352. Midnight snacks.
351. People who say "Merry Christmas"
350. The prospect of playdates.
349. The many facial expressions of my little precocious Sarah.
348. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
347. Coffeemate coconut creamer.
346. A sister who I can always count on to call and check on me and chat.
345. The warmth of our gas logs during a rare cold snap here in Georgia.
344. How truly excited my girls are to be able to stay home with me.
343. How genuinely loved I know my girls were at their school.
342. The fact that our financial situation has not been devastated by the loss of my job.
341. Falling asleep in my bed at night, praying - knowing that as I drifted off, I was in the arms of my Father.
362. Paying for coffee with loose change.
361. Italian bread dipped in herbed olive oil.
360. Being able to make a small difference in the life of a child not my own.
359. Solidarity among spouses.
358. Watching someone beat the odds.
357. 100% participation on Christmas lights.
356. Cold weather jogs.
355. The sanity that a to-do list provides.
354. A finished backyard playground.
353. When the kids keep their covers on all night.
352. Midnight snacks.
351. People who say "Merry Christmas"
350. The prospect of playdates.
349. The many facial expressions of my little precocious Sarah.
348. I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
347. Coffeemate coconut creamer.
346. A sister who I can always count on to call and check on me and chat.
345. The warmth of our gas logs during a rare cold snap here in Georgia.
344. How truly excited my girls are to be able to stay home with me.
343. How genuinely loved I know my girls were at their school.
342. The fact that our financial situation has not been devastated by the loss of my job.
341. Falling asleep in my bed at night, praying - knowing that as I drifted off, I was in the arms of my Father.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Much Obliged Monday
340. Utilizing the food from our deep freezer - we have all sorts of forgotten treasures in there.
339. Learning something new from unlikely sources - like when the moon will appear in the sky.
338. The white covering of a frost to remind me that winter is almost here. Even in Georgia!
337. The poor souls who work retail during Black Friday and Christmas Eve and all of the days in between. I've been there - and I appreciate them.
336. All You magazine for its great articles, tips, and most importantly, coupons.
335. Free shipping.
334. Knowing that being "jobless" (or very close) came through no fault of my own.
333. The relentless nagging of two very excited children who just want to put the Christmas decorations up....because they love this season as much or more than I do.
332. Getting a complete family shot of all those present on Thanksgiving Day.
331. The opportunity to experience something other than my same old 8-5.
330. The feeling of family that I get when I walk through the doors of CBC.
329. The opportunity to brush up on my cooking skills (or complete lack thereof!) now that I'll have the time to do so.
328. The bittersweet realization that my growing young man would rather read his bedtime story to himself than with me and his little sister.
327. Seeing my bouncing baby girl quite literally bouncing with excitement in her crib when I go get her in the morning.
326. Seeing the joy on my kids' faces as they enjoy their new swingset.
325. The news of a friend going into labor...because new babies are always a blessing!
324. The anticipation of being able to enjoy the holiday busy-ness at home with my kids.
323. The unexpected arm workout I got on Black Friday as I toted my goodies across the giant store of Kohls with nary a cart to be found.
322. The blessing it has been for the past 5.5 years to have worked for a good, Christian man.
321. Seeing tears in my boss's eyes as he cut my hours last week, because I know it hurt him probably more than it hurt me.
320. Hearing Sarah "ohhh" and "ahhh" from the backseat over the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.
319. Knowing full well that the previous week's events happened just as God intended.
318. The dozens of deer who stayed on the shoulders during these trips.
317. Four safe trips to and fro on I-16 during Thanksgiving week.
339. Learning something new from unlikely sources - like when the moon will appear in the sky.
338. The white covering of a frost to remind me that winter is almost here. Even in Georgia!
337. The poor souls who work retail during Black Friday and Christmas Eve and all of the days in between. I've been there - and I appreciate them.
336. All You magazine for its great articles, tips, and most importantly, coupons.
335. Free shipping.
334. Knowing that being "jobless" (or very close) came through no fault of my own.
333. The relentless nagging of two very excited children who just want to put the Christmas decorations up....because they love this season as much or more than I do.
332. Getting a complete family shot of all those present on Thanksgiving Day.
331. The opportunity to experience something other than my same old 8-5.
330. The feeling of family that I get when I walk through the doors of CBC.
329. The opportunity to brush up on my cooking skills (or complete lack thereof!) now that I'll have the time to do so.
328. The bittersweet realization that my growing young man would rather read his bedtime story to himself than with me and his little sister.
327. Seeing my bouncing baby girl quite literally bouncing with excitement in her crib when I go get her in the morning.
326. Seeing the joy on my kids' faces as they enjoy their new swingset.
325. The news of a friend going into labor...because new babies are always a blessing!
324. The anticipation of being able to enjoy the holiday busy-ness at home with my kids.
323. The unexpected arm workout I got on Black Friday as I toted my goodies across the giant store of Kohls with nary a cart to be found.
322. The blessing it has been for the past 5.5 years to have worked for a good, Christian man.
321. Seeing tears in my boss's eyes as he cut my hours last week, because I know it hurt him probably more than it hurt me.
320. Hearing Sarah "ohhh" and "ahhh" from the backseat over the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.
319. Knowing full well that the previous week's events happened just as God intended.
318. The dozens of deer who stayed on the shoulders during these trips.
317. Four safe trips to and fro on I-16 during Thanksgiving week.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Most Plentiful Blessings Monday
316. Overhearing kind things being said about others "behind their backs".
315. Small boys holding doors open for the people behind them.
314. Crisp, overcast mornings when you just know that rain is imminent.
313. Adult conversation.
312. Finally beginning to learn the art of conversation.
311. Walking into a new place and feeling welcomed.
310. The artwork in Ben's book bag.
309. Every day that I don't get into an accident on the way into or home from work.
308. Family recipes - like pumpkin roll, pepperoni bread, and cream cheese danish.
307. The smell of a turkey roasting in my oven.
306. Honey-crisp apples.
305. Christmas music - especially "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day", which moves me to tears every time I hear it.
304. An eighteen month old laundry helper.
303. Sobering reminders that life is short, precious, and fragile.
302. The long, slow process that has taught me how not to nag. (Or at least helped me not to nag quite so much.)
301. The night sky in Sylvania.
300. Four doting grandparents for my kids to cherish.
299. Grammie's unfailing love for her children and grandchildren.
298. The privilege of seeing a need and being able to meet it.
297. The freedom to come and go as necessary at work.
296. The amazing power of prayer. Not necessarily to change outcomes but to change and glean hearts.
295. The luxury of showering at all.
294. Hot showers.
315. Small boys holding doors open for the people behind them.
314. Crisp, overcast mornings when you just know that rain is imminent.
313. Adult conversation.
312. Finally beginning to learn the art of conversation.
311. Walking into a new place and feeling welcomed.
310. The artwork in Ben's book bag.
309. Every day that I don't get into an accident on the way into or home from work.
308. Family recipes - like pumpkin roll, pepperoni bread, and cream cheese danish.
307. The smell of a turkey roasting in my oven.
306. Honey-crisp apples.
305. Christmas music - especially "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day", which moves me to tears every time I hear it.
304. An eighteen month old laundry helper.
303. Sobering reminders that life is short, precious, and fragile.
302. The long, slow process that has taught me how not to nag. (Or at least helped me not to nag quite so much.)
301. The night sky in Sylvania.
300. Four doting grandparents for my kids to cherish.
299. Grammie's unfailing love for her children and grandchildren.
298. The privilege of seeing a need and being able to meet it.
297. The freedom to come and go as necessary at work.
296. The amazing power of prayer. Not necessarily to change outcomes but to change and glean hearts.
295. The luxury of showering at all.
294. Hot showers.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Blessed Beyond Measure Monday
293. An empty dishwasher.
292. A full tank of gas.
291. The example my old-school parents set for me.
290. Not gaining, but maintaining my weight. (Though, I admit, losing would be even better.)
289. Weekends free from obligation.
288. The doers of thankless tasks, who do them with a joyful heart and inspire me.
287. Strangers who smile and wave. I promise to do more of the same.
286. Knowing that my wants are just that. And that I can do without any and all of them.
285. Not having to worry about where my next meal will come from.
284. Seeing elementary-aged children help and encourage each other, especially when I expect the opposite.
283. Finding a grateful home for my own hand-me-downs.
282. Receiving hand-me-downs.
281. The ability to buy my kids new tennis shoes when their old ones wear out.
280. My husband, the experimental cook, and his creation of broccoli-potato soup.
279. Light bulb moments.
278. Seeing a spirit of gratitude being cultivated in my kids.
277. When a ministry opportunity just falls in my lap.
276. Safety during accidents that could have been much worse.
275. The peace of the ever-present Holy Spirit....again and again.
274. Use of the postage meter at work as a job perk.
273. Surprise fruit baskets from big sisters.
272. Health insurance...in a big way. And we're healthy people. I will try so hard not to take it for granted.
292. A full tank of gas.
291. The example my old-school parents set for me.
290. Not gaining, but maintaining my weight. (Though, I admit, losing would be even better.)
289. Weekends free from obligation.
288. The doers of thankless tasks, who do them with a joyful heart and inspire me.
287. Strangers who smile and wave. I promise to do more of the same.
286. Knowing that my wants are just that. And that I can do without any and all of them.
285. Not having to worry about where my next meal will come from.
284. Seeing elementary-aged children help and encourage each other, especially when I expect the opposite.
283. Finding a grateful home for my own hand-me-downs.
282. Receiving hand-me-downs.
281. The ability to buy my kids new tennis shoes when their old ones wear out.
280. My husband, the experimental cook, and his creation of broccoli-potato soup.
279. Light bulb moments.
278. Seeing a spirit of gratitude being cultivated in my kids.
277. When a ministry opportunity just falls in my lap.
276. Safety during accidents that could have been much worse.
275. The peace of the ever-present Holy Spirit....again and again.
274. Use of the postage meter at work as a job perk.
273. Surprise fruit baskets from big sisters.
272. Health insurance...in a big way. And we're healthy people. I will try so hard not to take it for granted.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Most Grateful Monday
271. Seeing and feeling friends turn into family.
270. The anticipation of Black Friday shopping with my husband.
269. A personal phone call from the doctor to check on me the day after surgery.
268. Wilson's bakery and all of the other local businesses that continue to thrive because they offer amazing products, at fair prices, with amazing customer service.
267. Pumpkin flavored treats...especially pumpkin roll.
266. The perfect banana bread recipe.
265. Ben's resolute determination to wear footie pajamas into adulthood, without fear of ridicule.
264. Sarah's spontaneous dancing to the "tune" of the kitchen timer.
263. Fall back, especially when I actually get to utilize that extra hour.
262. Cold snaps in November. (Especially since I don't expect them until January down here!)
261. My grandfathers, who both served in WWII to ensure that we kept our freedoms that we maintain to this day.
260. The peace Jesus has given us.
259. An eruption of the Hallelujah chorus in a Philadelphia Macy's, the video of which moved me to tears (watch it here).
258. A children's choir clad in red, white, and blue singing of their gratefulness to our Veterans.
257. A mother-in-law who truly makes me feel like one of her own children.
256. The tiniest bit of levity to break the tension.
255. Modern medical technology.
254. The recommendation of an acquaintance that turned out to be the answer to prayer.
253. A son who left his piggy and blanket on my bed to help me feel better after my kidney stone procedure.
252. A husband who pushes me to be more assertive and be an advocate for myself.
251. The ability of the American collective to send a message to our leaders that we are dissatisfied with the job they are doing.
270. The anticipation of Black Friday shopping with my husband.
269. A personal phone call from the doctor to check on me the day after surgery.
268. Wilson's bakery and all of the other local businesses that continue to thrive because they offer amazing products, at fair prices, with amazing customer service.
267. Pumpkin flavored treats...especially pumpkin roll.
266. The perfect banana bread recipe.
265. Ben's resolute determination to wear footie pajamas into adulthood, without fear of ridicule.
264. Sarah's spontaneous dancing to the "tune" of the kitchen timer.
263. Fall back, especially when I actually get to utilize that extra hour.
262. Cold snaps in November. (Especially since I don't expect them until January down here!)
261. My grandfathers, who both served in WWII to ensure that we kept our freedoms that we maintain to this day.
260. The peace Jesus has given us.
259. An eruption of the Hallelujah chorus in a Philadelphia Macy's, the video of which moved me to tears (watch it here).
258. A children's choir clad in red, white, and blue singing of their gratefulness to our Veterans.
257. A mother-in-law who truly makes me feel like one of her own children.
256. The tiniest bit of levity to break the tension.
255. Modern medical technology.
254. The recommendation of an acquaintance that turned out to be the answer to prayer.
253. A son who left his piggy and blanket on my bed to help me feel better after my kidney stone procedure.
252. A husband who pushes me to be more assertive and be an advocate for myself.
251. The ability of the American collective to send a message to our leaders that we are dissatisfied with the job they are doing.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Many Thanks Monday
250. Having friends of all ages in so many different stages in life that continue to teach me so much.
249. Unexpected surprises in the mail.
248. Every single time a friend announces that they are expecting a new baby.
247. Seeing my feisty toddler stand up to her feistier big sister.
246. A chorus of snores from three snoozing children.
245. Sleeping with the windows open.
244. Operation Christmas Child and the spirit of giving it is teaching my kids.
243. The men & women who have died so that I can let my voice be heard.
242. The privilege of casting a vote at the polls tomorrow.
241. A toothpaste-covered toddler who was just trying to do like her big brother and sister and brush her teeth.
240. Doctor-ordered sick days.
239. Not feeling the effects of a kidney stone until the day after my PE exam.
238. All of the volunteers that made the Harvest Festival a huge success.
237. The Harvest Festival at CBC that reached hundreds of families last weekend.
236. Pain medication. (Sidenote: I now know how easy it must be to become addicted in cases of chronic pain.)
235. The safety and sense of community in our neighborhood on Halloween night.
234. The sound of rowdy neighborhood boys playing together in the front yard.
232. The peace I felt the morning before my PE exam. That was God's answer to so many prayers from so many people. Thank you.
231. A church family who literally feels like family.
230. An ER doctor who actually believed me when I said I was in pain.
229. A husband who drops everything and steps up in every way to help his ailing wife.
249. Unexpected surprises in the mail.
248. Every single time a friend announces that they are expecting a new baby.
247. Seeing my feisty toddler stand up to her feistier big sister.
246. A chorus of snores from three snoozing children.
245. Sleeping with the windows open.
244. Operation Christmas Child and the spirit of giving it is teaching my kids.
243. The men & women who have died so that I can let my voice be heard.
242. The privilege of casting a vote at the polls tomorrow.
241. A toothpaste-covered toddler who was just trying to do like her big brother and sister and brush her teeth.
240. Doctor-ordered sick days.
239. Not feeling the effects of a kidney stone until the day after my PE exam.
238. All of the volunteers that made the Harvest Festival a huge success.
237. The Harvest Festival at CBC that reached hundreds of families last weekend.
236. Pain medication. (Sidenote: I now know how easy it must be to become addicted in cases of chronic pain.)
235. The safety and sense of community in our neighborhood on Halloween night.
234. The sound of rowdy neighborhood boys playing together in the front yard.
232. The peace I felt the morning before my PE exam. That was God's answer to so many prayers from so many people. Thank you.
231. A church family who literally feels like family.
230. An ER doctor who actually believed me when I said I was in pain.
229. A husband who drops everything and steps up in every way to help his ailing wife.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Many Thanks Monday
228. A seven year old who admits being nervous before singing in children's choir.
227. A random card and email to let me know that someone is thinking about me and rooting for me.
226. Inspirational quotes.
225. A toddler who can amuse herself with nothing but her own belly button.
224. The beautiful weather and time that enabled us to make said progress.
223. Visible progress on household projects.
222. Finding my son's dream costume buried in a clearance box for $5.
221. Skipping opportunities to burn bridges.
220. Silent glances of complete understanding from other moms that help me feel like we're all in this together.
219. Seeing someone who is working in their calling.
218. The perfect banana bread recipe.
217. Semi-homemade recipes like oatmeal cookies from a bag...with lots of raisins added.
216. Not sleeping through the alarm clock.
215. Federal employee benefits.
214. Longer than an hour lunch hours.
213. Upward Basketball.
212. The warm and helpful staff at Second Baptist Church.
211. The accommodating Victory Sports program that allowed Ben a spot on the basketball team despite having missed the sign-up deadline by a day.
210. The hand-me-down study materials lent to me by my now-Professional Engineer-brother-in-law.
209. Spontaneous thank you's from a gracious four year old.208. Better yet, the surprise was chocolate.
207. A surprise "good luck" present from a former coworker.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Multitudinous Monday
206. An empty laundry hamper.
205. Being called by name by someone I've met only once.
204. Every time my kids try a new food and like it.
203. How this "big city" I live in feels smaller and smaller every day as we dig our roots in.
202. The opportunity vote in the upcoming election and let our voices be heard.
201. The people who have been through tremendous hardships, only to cling tighter to their belief in God and strengthening their faith rather than turning from it.
200. A husband who can fix anything, and if he doesn't know how to, he'll figure it out.
199. A son who loves reading for pleasure.
198. Reaching the season in my life where my parents are my friends.
197. My retired dad who can talk a blue-streak on the phone - like a man who has nowhere else to be. And I love it.
196. A husband who complements my volatile emotions with his unfailing voice of reason.
195. The PINES library system for allowing me to borrow all kinds of books from across the state.
194. A judge who heard my circumstances, promised to "take care of" me, and followed through with the promise.
193. The opportunity to sit through jury selection and not be picked. Maybe next time, but this week would have been just too stressful.
192. Nighttime temps in the 40's.
191. Daytime temps in the 70's.
190. Wearing pajamas all day long.
189. Productive weekends.
188. Kisses from a belly-laughing baby through the slats of her crib.
187. The numbing power of ibuprofen.
186. The rare indulgence of a Sunday afternoon nap.

205. Being called by name by someone I've met only once.
204. Every time my kids try a new food and like it.
203. How this "big city" I live in feels smaller and smaller every day as we dig our roots in.
202. The opportunity vote in the upcoming election and let our voices be heard.
201. The people who have been through tremendous hardships, only to cling tighter to their belief in God and strengthening their faith rather than turning from it.
200. A husband who can fix anything, and if he doesn't know how to, he'll figure it out.
199. A son who loves reading for pleasure.
198. Reaching the season in my life where my parents are my friends.
197. My retired dad who can talk a blue-streak on the phone - like a man who has nowhere else to be. And I love it.
196. A husband who complements my volatile emotions with his unfailing voice of reason.
195. The PINES library system for allowing me to borrow all kinds of books from across the state.
194. A judge who heard my circumstances, promised to "take care of" me, and followed through with the promise.
193. The opportunity to sit through jury selection and not be picked. Maybe next time, but this week would have been just too stressful.
192. Nighttime temps in the 40's.
191. Daytime temps in the 70's.
190. Wearing pajamas all day long.
189. Productive weekends.
188. Kisses from a belly-laughing baby through the slats of her crib.
187. The numbing power of ibuprofen.
186. The rare indulgence of a Sunday afternoon nap.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Thankful Thursday
185. The streets lined with proud & grateful Americans who showed up to honor the service of a fallen 21-year old marine as his processional went from Robins Air Force Base to his small south Georgia hometown.
184. The camaraderie of the mining industry that pulled together an international collective of intelligence to meet and surpass the expectations of the rescue effort.
183. Seeing the Chilean president unashamedly thank God for His part in the safe return of the miners to their families.
182. The blessing of being able to witness the amazing, emotional rescue of 33 Chilean miners on live television.
184. The camaraderie of the mining industry that pulled together an international collective of intelligence to meet and surpass the expectations of the rescue effort.
183. Seeing the Chilean president unashamedly thank God for His part in the safe return of the miners to their families.
182. The blessing of being able to witness the amazing, emotional rescue of 33 Chilean miners on live television.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Internet Hiatus Monday, errr, Wednesday
181. Being noticed during an absence.
180. Short-lived stomach bugs (as opposed to the lingering variety).
179. The pain that comes from a good workout.
178. Bed head - for never failing to make me laugh.
177. Finding out new things about my husband after all these years.
176. The perspective I've gained by living in the South.
175. The perspective I've gained from being a female in a male-dominated field.
174. Test references donated to me by my brother-in-law.
173. Free propane cylinders.
172. The peace of mind afforded by solar powered calculators.
171. The excitement of unfamiliar mornings.
170. The comfort of a familiar morning routine.
169. Programmable coffee pots.
168. Extended flip-flop season.
167. Stripling's Beef Jerky.
166. Droopy eyelids on sleepy children.
165. Four year olds who can entertain themselves for hours with nothing more than a notebook and a pen.
164. Hand-me-down clothes.
163. The support of a husband who allowed and encouraged me to study for the entire 5-hour drive home.
162. The amazing power of God's design to compensate for man's many failures.
161. A beach whose sand and water were just as pristine as the first time I laid eyes on them.
160. The salty scent of the gulf breeze.
159. The safe return of my camera before vacation.
158. The safe return of my camera.
180. Short-lived stomach bugs (as opposed to the lingering variety).
179. The pain that comes from a good workout.
178. Bed head - for never failing to make me laugh.
177. Finding out new things about my husband after all these years.
176. The perspective I've gained by living in the South.
175. The perspective I've gained from being a female in a male-dominated field.
174. Test references donated to me by my brother-in-law.
173. Free propane cylinders.
172. The peace of mind afforded by solar powered calculators.
171. The excitement of unfamiliar mornings.
170. The comfort of a familiar morning routine.
169. Programmable coffee pots.
168. Extended flip-flop season.
167. Stripling's Beef Jerky.
166. Droopy eyelids on sleepy children.
165. Four year olds who can entertain themselves for hours with nothing more than a notebook and a pen.
164. Hand-me-down clothes.
163. The support of a husband who allowed and encouraged me to study for the entire 5-hour drive home.
162. The amazing power of God's design to compensate for man's many failures.
161. A beach whose sand and water were just as pristine as the first time I laid eyes on them.
160. The salty scent of the gulf breeze.
159. The safe return of my camera before vacation.
158. The safe return of my camera.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Overflowing Cup Monday
157. Sixteen month old's deep belly laughs while playing "Pick boo!" (peekaboo)
156. Seeing my son hold the door for the people behind him. Without being reminded.
155. Pumpkins. Just every single thing about them.
154. The burning sensation from cold air entering and exiting my lungs while jogging on a cold day.
153. Brad Paisley's "Little Moments"
152. Political discussions that transpire without heated debate.
151. A four year old who sat quietly and contentedly through a one hour worship service instead of going out to play. (Though she probably would have preferred the latter, she went with the flow. I just love that little girl.)
150. Discussing part of a sermon days later with a seven year old who must have been paying attention after all.
149. A mother-in-law who was able to make us feel genuinely welcomed into her home, even when she was under the weather and probably even wishing we weren't there. (You rock, Mrs. Lisa! Hope you make up for your less-than-happy birthday the rest of this week. You get a do-over, in my book.)
148. Knowing that treating everyone nicely (most of the time, no one is perfect) is never wrong.
147. Coffee at the cookout house overlooking the pond.
146. A good haircut.
145. Needing a jacket in the mornings.
144. Using the oven without fear of over-heating the house.
143. Sleeping with the windows open and a big heavy blanket on.
142. Knowing whole-heartedly that when someone says they will pray for you, they mean it.
141. Five cousins, all looking at the camera. That was nothing short of a miracle.
140. The urging of my husband to get me in gear to take initiative and study.
139. Confidence building moments....like the realization that I know more than I thought I knew. And I've forgotten less.
138. Moments of peace in a world full of stressors. (We know where that comes from don't we? Thank you, God.)
137. Borrowed cameras.
136. Seeing gratitude embodied in your four year old princess with as simple as an enthusiastic and completely spontaneous proclamation of "I'm enjoying this party!"
135. Four year old princesses.
156. Seeing my son hold the door for the people behind him. Without being reminded.
155. Pumpkins. Just every single thing about them.
154. The burning sensation from cold air entering and exiting my lungs while jogging on a cold day.
153. Brad Paisley's "Little Moments"
152. Political discussions that transpire without heated debate.
151. A four year old who sat quietly and contentedly through a one hour worship service instead of going out to play. (Though she probably would have preferred the latter, she went with the flow. I just love that little girl.)
150. Discussing part of a sermon days later with a seven year old who must have been paying attention after all.
149. A mother-in-law who was able to make us feel genuinely welcomed into her home, even when she was under the weather and probably even wishing we weren't there. (You rock, Mrs. Lisa! Hope you make up for your less-than-happy birthday the rest of this week. You get a do-over, in my book.)
148. Knowing that treating everyone nicely (most of the time, no one is perfect) is never wrong.
147. Coffee at the cookout house overlooking the pond.
146. A good haircut.
145. Needing a jacket in the mornings.
144. Using the oven without fear of over-heating the house.
143. Sleeping with the windows open and a big heavy blanket on.
142. Knowing whole-heartedly that when someone says they will pray for you, they mean it.
141. Five cousins, all looking at the camera. That was nothing short of a miracle.
140. The urging of my husband to get me in gear to take initiative and study.
139. Confidence building moments....like the realization that I know more than I thought I knew. And I've forgotten less.
138. Moments of peace in a world full of stressors. (We know where that comes from don't we? Thank you, God.)
137. Borrowed cameras.
136. Seeing gratitude embodied in your four year old princess with as simple as an enthusiastic and completely spontaneous proclamation of "I'm enjoying this party!"
135. Four year old princesses.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Rainy Days on Mondays Always Make Me Smile
134. Language explosions in little sixteen month old girls.
133. A mother-in-law who has stressed from the beginning the importance of couple time.
132. The coverage You provide for my babies while we're apart during the day.
131. Seeing my kids' carefree giggles as they play in the rain.
130. How seeing someone else's creative juices flowing gets my own going as well.
129. Leftover Japanese food, straight out of the fridge.
128. Coffee pot timers.
127. The people we meet in this life who immediately humble us - when we think our lives are tough, we hear their stories and see them still glorifying God. It's awesome.
126. A husband who cooks...not just regularly, but awesomely.
125. The ability to block repeat, unwanted, wrong number phone calls at 2am thanks to our awesome phone service.
124. An empty sink at bedtime.
123. Releasing control and allowing my kids to be helpers.
122. Seeing discipline work.
121. Tiny pink toenails.
120. A spontaneous blessing from two little kidlets who are so ready to eat dinner and a third who dances while they sing it.
119. Free sweet tea refills.
118. The opportunity to make new friends and learn more about other people through simple conversation.
117. Quality time with friends on the weekend.
116. The collision center who repaired our rear-ended minivan going above and beyond the call of duty and detailing the interior of our van - even de-gunking our disgusting backseat cupholders.
115. A tremendous rainfall to cleanse my soul and feed my thirsting grass.
133. A mother-in-law who has stressed from the beginning the importance of couple time.
132. The coverage You provide for my babies while we're apart during the day.
131. Seeing my kids' carefree giggles as they play in the rain.
130. How seeing someone else's creative juices flowing gets my own going as well.
129. Leftover Japanese food, straight out of the fridge.
128. Coffee pot timers.
127. The people we meet in this life who immediately humble us - when we think our lives are tough, we hear their stories and see them still glorifying God. It's awesome.
126. A husband who cooks...not just regularly, but awesomely.
125. The ability to block repeat, unwanted, wrong number phone calls at 2am thanks to our awesome phone service.
124. An empty sink at bedtime.
123. Releasing control and allowing my kids to be helpers.
122. Seeing discipline work.
121. Tiny pink toenails.
120. A spontaneous blessing from two little kidlets who are so ready to eat dinner and a third who dances while they sing it.
119. Free sweet tea refills.
118. The opportunity to make new friends and learn more about other people through simple conversation.
117. Quality time with friends on the weekend.
116. The collision center who repaired our rear-ended minivan going above and beyond the call of duty and detailing the interior of our van - even de-gunking our disgusting backseat cupholders.
115. A tremendous rainfall to cleanse my soul and feed my thirsting grass.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Marvelous Monday!
114. Handprint artwork that I can look back on over the years and see how tiny those little hands once were.
113. The pure joy on my kids faces when they get unrestricted play time with the water hose.
112. How quickly the time Sam was away on business passed with houseguests around to keep me distracted.
111. The opportunity to visit with them for the first time in our home of four years.
110. A safe return trip to Baltimore for my sister and nephew.
109. An effortless trip to and from the Atlanta airport on a Friday evening at rush hour.
108. The reality that I can always be stronger.
107. Taking note of the fact that I am stronger than I realize.
106. Boot camp lead by an awesome instructor - whose goal is to restore God's temple!
105. Seeing a child (whether my own or someone else's) put someone else before themselves.
104. That Sam and I were able to rise to the occasion when it came time to be "young parents".
103. The amazing Sunday School teachers and Kidzone facilitators that have my seven year old on fire for God.
102. The train table at Barnes & Noble.
101. BOGO free coupons.
100. Dr. Seuss books, but especially I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew.
99. The people who make lasting impressions on us - for better or for worse.
98. Watching my almost-four year old feed yogurt to her baby sister complete with words of encouragement - "Come on, Sarah! Open wide! You can do it!"
97. For the model my father set for me with his relentless work ethic.96. For the continued answers to prayer that have kept our tiny engineering firm open for at least a year longer than any of us anticipated.
95. A teary conversation (on my part) followed by words of affirmation by my husband that lifted a huge burden and brought me peace.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
only one day late this week...
94. The exhilarated feeling I get from working out, however begrudging I was before I started.
93. The tenacity of sixteen month olds.
92. Tiny baby teeth.
91. Little, spontaneous giggles.
90. Smiles from strangers.
89. Common sense.
88. Free "Happy Birthday" medium beverages from Dunkin' Donuts.
87. The memory of playing field hockey and the special place it still holds in my heart.
86. A mom who also demonstrated that it's okay to laugh often and loudly.
85. A mom who demonstrated that it's okay to let the tears fall.
84. Little surprises...like an unloaded dishwasher when I get home from work.
83. A cul de sac full of playmates for my kids.
82. A seven year old who loves school so much that, when he thought I'd left him at home one morning, he vowed to "walk, maybe even run" to school by himself.
81. The fact that my three year old is no longer scared of thunderstorms.
80. A husband who encourages me to stand up for myself.
79. The safe trip she and my nephew had down to GA yesterday.
78. The opportunity to show my sister around my "hometown".
77. A Sunday School class full of four year olds who are quickly winning me over.
76. The Young Married Ministry at Central Baptist Church.
75. A boss who loves Jesus.
74. A job that has remained through troublesome financial times for my company.
93. The tenacity of sixteen month olds.
92. Tiny baby teeth.
91. Little, spontaneous giggles.
90. Smiles from strangers.
89. Common sense.
88. Free "Happy Birthday" medium beverages from Dunkin' Donuts.
87. The memory of playing field hockey and the special place it still holds in my heart.
86. A mom who also demonstrated that it's okay to laugh often and loudly.
85. A mom who demonstrated that it's okay to let the tears fall.
84. Little surprises...like an unloaded dishwasher when I get home from work.
83. A cul de sac full of playmates for my kids.
82. A seven year old who loves school so much that, when he thought I'd left him at home one morning, he vowed to "walk, maybe even run" to school by himself.
81. The fact that my three year old is no longer scared of thunderstorms.
80. A husband who encourages me to stand up for myself.
79. The safe trip she and my nephew had down to GA yesterday.
78. The opportunity to show my sister around my "hometown".
77. A Sunday School class full of four year olds who are quickly winning me over.
76. The Young Married Ministry at Central Baptist Church.
75. A boss who loves Jesus.
74. A job that has remained through troublesome financial times for my company.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Postponed, but Still Thankful
73. The place this world holds for C-students.
72. The peace that comes with following God's will.
71. Daycare providers who love my children as their own.
70. The energizing power of coffee.
69. The healing power of sleep.68. The maturity and responsibility of my now seven-year-old boy who steps up to help out when Mom is under the weather.
67. The Oasis in Roanoke Rapids with a 24-hour Dunkin' Donuts.
66. By the Docks Single Crabcake platter
65. Grandma's advice - regarding finances, parenting, you name it.
64. The Greatest Generation.
63. The willingness of young men and women to serve our country.
62. Watching an elderly man in his wheelchair cross his front lawn to his flagpole so he could honor our great country by raising the American flag.
61. Handwritten treasures left to us by those who are no longer with us.
60. Those little sun rays peeking through the clouds.
59. The amazing saving power of coupons.
58. Witnessing five children snoozing all at the hands of Super Dad.
57. Watching my husband be an amazing father.
56. The opportunity to meet up with wonderful friends.
55. Safe trips back from Maryland on the eve of a school day.
54. Safe trips to Maryland on the eve of a major holiday.
67. The Oasis in Roanoke Rapids with a 24-hour Dunkin' Donuts.
66. By the Docks Single Crabcake platter
65. Grandma's advice - regarding finances, parenting, you name it.
64. The Greatest Generation.
63. The willingness of young men and women to serve our country.
62. Watching an elderly man in his wheelchair cross his front lawn to his flagpole so he could honor our great country by raising the American flag.
61. Handwritten treasures left to us by those who are no longer with us.
60. Those little sun rays peeking through the clouds.
59. The amazing saving power of coupons.
58. Witnessing five children snoozing all at the hands of Super Dad.
57. Watching my husband be an amazing father.
56. The opportunity to meet up with wonderful friends.
55. Safe trips back from Maryland on the eve of a school day.
54. Safe trips to Maryland on the eve of a major holiday.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Multitude Monday
53. The opportunity to become a "Professional Engineer"
52. A 6 year old who packs his own lunch.
51. The smell of baked goods in my oven.
50. Our local public school system.
49. The dip my blood pressure has taken since I stopped following the news in painstaking detail.
48. Having a stocked deep freezer in the garage.
47. Seeing my 6 year old read Bible stories in his room on a Saturday afternoon.
46. Unexpected compliments from strangers, especially in regards to my kids' behavior.
45. Coupons.
44. Witnessing my grandmother beat breast cancer not once, but twice.
43. Seeing my baby fall asleep anywhere but in her crib.
42. A Saturday full of gardening.
41. A handyman husband.
40. The emerald waters of Destin, Florida.
39. The perk of tagging along on Sam's work trips to see places I wouldn't otherwise go.
38. A three year old girl who sings incessantly about anything and everything.
37. Handprint artwork on my office wall.
36. The biblical knowledge of my teachers, staff, and peers at church.
35. The amazing rain showers we've been receiving that so cleanse my soul (and quench the thirst of my gardens).
34. The ability to find the humor in most situations.
52. A 6 year old who packs his own lunch.
51. The smell of baked goods in my oven.
50. Our local public school system.
49. The dip my blood pressure has taken since I stopped following the news in painstaking detail.
48. Having a stocked deep freezer in the garage.
47. Seeing my 6 year old read Bible stories in his room on a Saturday afternoon.
46. Unexpected compliments from strangers, especially in regards to my kids' behavior.
45. Coupons.
44. Witnessing my grandmother beat breast cancer not once, but twice.
43. Seeing my baby fall asleep anywhere but in her crib.
42. A Saturday full of gardening.
41. A handyman husband.
40. The emerald waters of Destin, Florida.
39. The perk of tagging along on Sam's work trips to see places I wouldn't otherwise go.
38. A three year old girl who sings incessantly about anything and everything.
37. Handprint artwork on my office wall.
36. The biblical knowledge of my teachers, staff, and peers at church.
35. The amazing rain showers we've been receiving that so cleanse my soul (and quench the thirst of my gardens).
34. The ability to find the humor in most situations.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thankful Thursday
33. The promise that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
32. Living in the Bible Belt where families unashamedly thank God in restaurants before they lay a hand on their food.
31. The freedoms afforded to me by my American citizenship.
30. A husband who doesn't blink twice at the prospect of having to take our 3 kids to the pediatrician all by himself.
29. A boss who understands my love for Jesus and my family.
28. The fact that I almost enjoy ironing, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms.
27. The unadulterated joy a new baby brings into what would otherwise be a mundane work day.
32. Living in the Bible Belt where families unashamedly thank God in restaurants before they lay a hand on their food.
31. The freedoms afforded to me by my American citizenship.
30. A husband who doesn't blink twice at the prospect of having to take our 3 kids to the pediatrician all by himself.
29. A boss who understands my love for Jesus and my family.
28. The fact that I almost enjoy ironing, vacuuming, and cleaning bathrooms.
27. The unadulterated joy a new baby brings into what would otherwise be a mundane work day.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Encore Tuesday
26. The model of a Flat Tax in Genesis 47.
25. Seeing that rainbow on I-16 last Friday.
24. The chance to clean my garage.
23. Overtime for Sam, while it lasted.
22. Keeping me calm at the sight of my 3 year olds (very) bloody toe.
21. The opportunity to jog through raindrops tonight and smell the gift of a light drizzle
25. Seeing that rainbow on I-16 last Friday.
24. The chance to clean my garage.
23. Overtime for Sam, while it lasted.
22. Keeping me calm at the sight of my 3 year olds (very) bloody toe.
21. The opportunity to jog through raindrops tonight and smell the gift of a light drizzle
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Spirit of Gratitude
As with most things in the blogosphere/blog land/world o' bloggers, I have no idea how I originally stumbled upon Ann Voskamp's Holy Experience blog. She is truly inspirational - a devout Christian, a loving wife, a devoted mother, and a truly gifted writer. She has put me on my face multiple times, as she has a way of humbling me in a way I can't explain.
One of the things she has done is start a Gratitude Community, which you can read more about here. In summation, when we stop and thank God for his many, countless blessings we "begin to feel more joy, less stress, better health, more connected in our relationships, and more delight in our everyday life."
And you know what? That sounds good to me!
My goal is to list at least 20 things for which I am thankful each Monday, beyond that, additional blessing are a bonus.
Without further ado...
20. Involved grandparents.
19. The fine teachers in my life and my kids' lives.
18. Seeing the look on my kids' faces at the sight of snowfall
17. The beauty of a roadside of spring flowers
16. The beauty of a hillside of fall leaves
15. A tolerance for Georgia summers which has provided me with a deep appreciation for cooler fall temperatures.
14. Bedtime stories, sandwiched between two eager kids.
13. A passionate sister.
12. A generous father.
11. A frugal mother.
10. The privilege of knowing each of my grandparents into my adulthood (or close to it).
9. The opportunity to witness something "click" in my child's brain.
8. Smiles, on anyone at anytime. They're more contagious than yawns.
7. Dave Ramsey and his financial peace.
6. The people in my life who've challenged me, because they give me perspective and resolve.
5. Parents who raised me in a Christian home.
4. The joy I feel when my 15 month old grabs my hand with her hand so we can walk together.
3. Three kids who beg me to stop tickling them only to throw their arms up "asking" for more.
2. Those little sun rays that peek through the clouds on overcast days.
1. The peace that comes with knowing You have a plan for me, specifically, according to Your Purpose.
One of the things she has done is start a Gratitude Community, which you can read more about here. In summation, when we stop and thank God for his many, countless blessings we "begin to feel more joy, less stress, better health, more connected in our relationships, and more delight in our everyday life."
And you know what? That sounds good to me!
My goal is to list at least 20 things for which I am thankful each Monday, beyond that, additional blessing are a bonus.
Without further ado...
20. Involved grandparents.
19. The fine teachers in my life and my kids' lives.
18. Seeing the look on my kids' faces at the sight of snowfall
17. The beauty of a roadside of spring flowers
16. The beauty of a hillside of fall leaves
15. A tolerance for Georgia summers which has provided me with a deep appreciation for cooler fall temperatures.
14. Bedtime stories, sandwiched between two eager kids.
13. A passionate sister.
12. A generous father.
11. A frugal mother.
10. The privilege of knowing each of my grandparents into my adulthood (or close to it).
9. The opportunity to witness something "click" in my child's brain.
8. Smiles, on anyone at anytime. They're more contagious than yawns.
7. Dave Ramsey and his financial peace.
6. The people in my life who've challenged me, because they give me perspective and resolve.
5. Parents who raised me in a Christian home.
4. The joy I feel when my 15 month old grabs my hand with her hand so we can walk together.
3. Three kids who beg me to stop tickling them only to throw their arms up "asking" for more.
2. Those little sun rays that peek through the clouds on overcast days.
1. The peace that comes with knowing You have a plan for me, specifically, according to Your Purpose.
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